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Can I prompt the end-user when the Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK attempts to visit any local resources (scanner, camera, or disk drive)?

Yes, Dynamic Web TWAIN supports authorization for accessing local files, scanners, or webcams.

Upon popular demand, the end-user authorization feature was added in version 12. The feature is disabled by default. When enabled, users are prompted for authorization whenever a web application is trying to use a connected scanner/webcam device or to access any local files.

To enable end-user authorization, please contact for a special key.

To disable manual authorization:

If you are installing the SDK by .msi to multiple machines at a time (as the system admin), you can use the file DynamicWebTWAINHTML5Edition.msi located under Resources/MSI and use the following command when installing.

DynamicWebTWAINHTML5Edition.msi MyCustomParameter="DisableScannerAccessAuth; DisableFileAccessAuth"

The same process can also be used if you are installing on a single machine by CMD by a single user.

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