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Scanner source is listed on XSane applicaton but not on my web application on Linux machines


On Linux machines, the scanner can be accessed using the XSane application and it can successfully scan. But the scanner does not show on the web application integrated with Dynamic Web TWAIN even after Dynamsoft Service is installed.


Dynamsoft Service is not installed correctly.


Please follow the steps below to reinstall Dynamsoft Service:

  1. Run the following commands
    usermod -aG wheel XXX ps:XXX is current username
  2. Restart the terminal under current user

  3. Run the following command
    sudo rpm -i DynamsoftServiceSetup.rpm

If the above does not resolve the issue, please follow the troubleshooting steps below.

  1. Has the process started?
    ps aux | grep dynamsoft
  2. Does the below command list out the source?
    bash /opt/dynamsoft/DynamsoftService/DynamsoftScanningMgr
  3. Please check the logs here: /var/log/syslog

For further support, please email and include any screenshots and logs collected.

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