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What does the Dynamsoft Service do on the end-user machine?

Dynamsoft Service is required for the Desktop Service Edition of Dynamic Web TWAIN. It’s a background system service that handles the communication between connected physical devices and the browser, as well as image processing, encoding, decoding, etc.

Three processes

By default, there are three Dynamsoft Service processes running which use the same file DynamsoftService.exe but initiated with different arguments:

  • The main process starts without any argument as follows:

  • Then there is a monitor process which is meant to monitor the main process and automatically start it in case it crashes. The monitor process starts like this:

    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Dynamsoft\DynamsoftServicex64\DynamsoftService.exe -asmonitor Global\Dynamsoft_1.5.0_352325843_stop_service_event   Global\Dynamsoft_1.5.0_352325828_certcheck_event
  • The last always-running process is meant to support the SSL certificate specifically for the Firefox browser:

    "-scan" "\\.\pipe\dynamsoftscan_15.0_70056_60" "0" "Global\ss352604281_61_70056" "0" "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Dynamsoft\DynamsoftServicex64\dwt_trial_15.0.0.0625.dll"

Note: you may find another process named ‘Dynamsoft Scanning New Module’, which is a scan module. This process will start when you access an application integrated with Dynamic Web TWAIN, and will automatically stop when you close the application.

  • On Windows, the service runs under the Local System account
  • On macOS, the service runs under the current user account
  • On Linux, the service runs under the root account

Files and folders in the service directory

There are multiple files and folders in the service directory. Taking Windows service (located at C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Dynamsoft\DynamsoftServicex64_16) as an example, the content is as follows:

For the Service

  • \cache\ : Data cached on the disk. Check out Disk Caching.
  • \cert\ : The certificates used for SSL connection. Check out How to change the certificates.
  • \dump\ : Dump files in case the service crashes.
  • \log\ : Log files for debugging purposes.
  • \upload\ : Temporary location for image data to be uploaded by the file uploader.
  • DSConfiguration.ini : Service configuration file.
  • DWASManager_16000428.dll : The service manager. The name of the file may vary among different versions.
  • DynamsoftService.exe : The service.
  • DynamicSocket.dll : For socket connections.
  • service.ini : Define service name.
  • user_config.ini : User configuration file.
  • welcome.htm : The home page for the service (present when you visit


These files are named with their version number. The following uses v16.1.1 as an example.

  • Core scanning module
    • dwt_16.1.0.0728.dll
    • DSSCN2.exe
    • DSSCN2x64.exe
    • TWAINDSM.dll
    • TWAINDSMx64.dll
  • Barcode Reader Addon
    • \x64\
    • \x86\
    • dbr_7.4.0.0428.dll
    • dbrx64_7.4.0.0428.dll
  • PDF Addon
    • DynamicPdfCore_11.0.0.0428.dll
    • DynamicPdfCorex64_11.0.0.0428.dll
    • DynamicPdfR_11.0.0.0428.dll (for the PDF Rasterizer)
    • DynamicPdfRx64_11.0.0.0428.dll (for the PDF Rasterizer)
  • Webcam Addon
    • DynamicWebcam_15.0.0.0625.dll
    • DynamicWebcamx64_15.0.0.0625.dll
  • File Uploader
    • UploadModule_1.6.0.0428.dll
  • Imaging features
    • DynamicImage.dll
    • DynamicImagex64.dll

Supporting files

  • favicon.ico : The favicon.
  • legal.txt : Legal notice.
  • libcurl.dll : The file transfer library.
  • For OpenSSL
    • libeay32.dll
    • ssleay32.dll
  • port.lock

HTTP Requests and Responses

Dynamsoft Service sets up a local HTTP service that accepts requests from JavaScript code running in the browser and performs operations accordingly. The following are a few examples.


These requests are handled by the JavaScript client of the library. Please do not try to make similar requests in your own code without consulting Dynamsoft Support.

Return availability

  • Request
  • Response in case of success
  "id": "1",
  "method": "VersionInfo",
  "result": ["16, 1, 0, 0728", "", "64"],
  "cmdId": ""

Perform image removal

  • Request
  • Response in case of success
  "id": "414778098",
  "method": "RemoveAllImages",
  "result": [true],
  "cmdId": ""

Return an image

  • Request
  • Response in case of success

    The image data.

For more information, please refer to Dynamic Web TWAIN Deployment - Dynamsoft Service.

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In this article:

latest version

    • Latest Version (18.5)
    • Version 18.4
    • Version 18.3
    • Version 18.1
    • Version 18.0
    • Version 17.3
    • Version 17.2.1
    • Version 17.1.1
    • Version 17.0
    • Version 16.2
    • Version 16.1.1
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