Table of contents


The BarcodeScanner class is used for video decoding. Node.js does not support BarcodeScanner.

let scanner = await Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeScanner.createInstance();
scanner.onUnduplicatedRead = txt => console.log(txt);


Initialize the Engine (Inherited from BarcodeReader)

Static Property Description
engineResourcePath (BarcodeReader) Specify the engine (WASM) url.
_bUseFullFeature (BarcodeReader) If set to true, use the full-featured WASM module.
Static Method Description
isLoaded (BarcodeReader) Check if the decoding module is loaded.
loadWasm (BarcodeReader) Manually load and compile the decoding WASM module.

Create and Destroy Instance

Property Description
bDestroyed Indicates whether the BarcodeScanner instance has been destroyed.
Static Method Description
createInstance Create a BarcodeScanner instance.
Method Description
destroy Destroy the BarcodeScanner instance.

Decode Barcode

Event Description
onUnduplicatedRead Triggered when a new, unduplicated barcode is found.
onFrameRead Triggered after a frame has been scanned.
Method Description
decodeCurrentFrame Decode barcodes from the current frame of the video.

Open and Close

Changing the barcode decoding process will affect the speed and accuracy.

Method Description
open Bind UI, open the camera, start decoding.
close Stop decoding, release camera, unbind UI.
show Bind UI, open the camera, start decoding, and remove the UIElement display style if the original style is display:none;
hide Stop decoding, release camera, unbind UI, and set the Element as display:none;.
openVideo Bind UI, open the camera, but not decode.
showVideo Bind UI, open the camera, but not decode, and remove the UIElement display style if the original style is display:none;.
isOpen Check if the scanner is open.

Play and Pause

Changing the barcode decoding process will affect the speed and accuracy.

Event Description
onPlayed Triggered when the camera video stream is played.
Method Description
play Continue the video.
pause Pause the video. Do not release the camera.
stop Stop the video, and release the camera.
pauseScan Pause the decoding process.
resumeScan Resume the decoding process.


Changing the barcode decoding process will affect the speed and accuracy.

Property Description
defaultUIElementURL The url of the default scanner UI.
regionMaskFillStyle Set the style used when filling the mask beyond the region.
regionMaskStrokeStyle Set the style of the region border.
regionMaskLineWidth Set the width of the region border.
barcodeFillStyle Set the style used when filling in located barcode.
barcodeStrokeStyle Set the style of the located barcode border.
barcodeLineWidth Set the width of the located barcode border.
Method Description
getUIElement Get HTML element containing the BarcodeScanner instance.
setUIElement Set HTML element containing the BarcodeScanner instance.

Camera Settings

Changing the barcode decoding process will affect the speed and accuracy.

Method Description
getAllCameras Get infomation of all available cameras on the device.
getCurrentCamera Get information about the currently used camera.
setCurrentCamera Choose the camera and play it by its information or devide id.
getResolution Get current camera resolution.
setResolution Set current camera resolution.
getVideoSettings Get current video settings.
updateVideoSettings Modify and update video settings.
getCapabilities Get the camera capabilities.
turnOnTorch Turn on the torch/flashlight.
turnOffTorch Turn off the torch/flashlight.
setColorTemperature Adjusts the color temperature.
setExposureCompensation Adjusts the exposure level.
setZoom Adjusts the zoom ratio.
setFrameRate Adjusts the frame rate.

Decoding Settings

Changing the barcode decoding process will affect the speed and accuracy.

Method Description
getRuntimeSettings Get current runtime settings.
updateRuntimeSettings Modify and update the current runtime settings.
resetRuntimeSettings Reset runtime settings to default.
getModeArgument Get argument value for the specified mode parameter.
setModeArgument Set argument value for the specified mode parameter.

License (Inherited from BarcodeReader)

Property Description
productKeys (BarcodeReader) Get or set the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK product keys.
licenseServer (BarcodeReader) Specify the license server URL.
handshakeCode (BarcodeReader) Use Handshake Code to get authentication from network.
organizationID (BarcodeReader) Use organization ID to get authentication from network.
sessionPassword (BarcodeReader) Specify a password to protect the Handshake Code from abuse.


Static Property Description
version (BarcodeReader) Get the current version.
Property Description
bSaveOriCanvas If set to true, save the original image in oriCanvas.
oriCanvas An canvas object that holds the original image.
bPlaySoundOnSuccessfulRead Whether to play sound when the scanner reads a barcode successfully.
soundOnSuccessfullRead The sound to play when the scanner get successfull read.
bVibrateOnSuccessfulRead Whether to vibrate when the scanner reads a barcode successfully.
vibrateDuration Get or set how long (ms) the vibration lasts.
Static Method Description
detectEnvironment (BarcodeReader) Detect environment and get a report.
Method Description
getScanSettings Get current scan settings.
updateScanSettings Modify and update scan settings.

Create and Destroy Instance


  • bDestroyed: boolean

Indicates whether the instance has been destroyed.


Create a BarcodeScanner instance.

let scanner = await Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeScanner.createInstance();


  • destroy(): Promise<void>

Destroy the BarcodeScanner instance. If your page needs to create new instances from time to time, don’t forget to destroy unused old instances, otherwise it will cause memory leaks.

Decode Barcode


  • event onUnduplicatedRead?: (txt: string, result: TextResult) => void

This event is triggered when a new, unduplicated barcode is found. txt holds the barcode text string. result contains more info. Old barcodes will be remembered for duplicateForgetTime.

scanner.onUnduplicatedRead = (txt, result) => {


  • event onFrameRead?: (results: TextResult[]) => void

The event is triggered after a frame has been scanned. The results object contains all the barcode results in this frame.

scanner.onFrameRead = results => {
    for(let result of results){


Decode barcodes from the current frame of the video.

await scanner.showVideo();
console.log(await scanner.decodeCurrentFrame());

Open and Close


Bind UI, open the camera, start decoding.

await scanner.setUIElement(document.getElementById("my-barcode-scanner"));
scanner.onUnduplicatedRead = (txt, result) => { alert(txt); console.log(result); };

@see show


  • close(): Promise<void>

Stop decoding, release camera, unbind UI.

await scanner.close();

await scanner.openVideo();
await scanner.close();


Bind UI, open the camera, start decoding, and remove the UIElement display style if the original style is display:none;.

await scanner.setUIElement("");
scanner.onUnduplicatedRead = (txt, result) => { alert(txt); console.log(result); };


  • hide(): Promise<void>

Stop decoding, release camera, unbind UI.

await scanner.hide();

await scanner.openVideo();
await scanner.hide();


Bind UI, open the camera, but not decode.

await scanner.setUIElement(document.getElementById("my-barcode-scanner"));
await scanner.openVideo();
console.log(await scanner.decodeCurrentFrame());


Bind UI, open the camera, but not decode.

await scanner.setUIElement("");
await scanner.showVideo();
console.log(await scanner.decodeCurrentFrame());


  • isOpen(): boolean

Check if the scanner is open.

Play and Pause


Triggered when the camera video stream is played.

scanner.onplayed = rsl=>{ console.log(rsl.width+'x'+rsl.height) };
await; // or open, play, setCurrentCamera, like these.


Continue the video.

\\*** a lot of work ***


  • pause(): void

Pause the video. Do not release the camera.


  • stop(): void

Stop the video, and release the camera.


  • pauseScan(): void

Pause the decoding process.


  • resumeScan(): void

Resume the decoding process.



  • static defaultUIElementURL: string

The url of the default scanner UI.

Can only be changed before createInstance.

Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeScanner.defaultUIElementURL = "";
let scanner = await Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeScanner.createInstance();


  • regionMaskFillStyle: string = “rgba(0,0,0,0.5)”

Set the style used when filling the mask beyond the region.


  • regionMaskStrokeStyle: string = “rgb(254,142,20)”

Set the style of the region border.


  • regionMaskLineWidth: number = 2

Set the style used when filling in located barcode.


  • barcodeFillStyle: string = “rgba(254,180,32,0.3)”

Set the style used when filling in located barcode.


  • barcodeStrokeStyle: string = “rgba(254,180,32,0.9)”

Set the style of the located barcode border.


  • barcodeLineWidth: number = 1

Set the width of the located barcode border.


  • getUIElement(): HTMLElement

Get HTML element containing the BarcodeScanner instance.


  • setUIElement(elementOrUrl: HTMLElement | string): Promise<void>

Set html element containing the BarcodeScanner instance.

<video class="dbrScanner-video" playsinline="true"></video>
  let scanner = await Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeScanner.createInstance();
  await scanner.setUIElement(document.getElementsByClassName("dbrScanner-video")[0]);
<!-- <video class="dbrScanner-video" playsinline="true"></video> -->
  let scanner = await Dynamsoft.DBR.BarcodeScanner.createInstance();
  await scanner.setUIElement("");

Camera Settings


Get infomation of all available cameras on the device.

let cameras = await scanner.getAllCameras();
  await scanner.setCurrentCamera(cameras[0]);


Get information about the currently used camera.

let camera = await scanner.getCurrentCamera();


Choose the camera and play it by its information or devide id.

let cameras = await scanner.getAllCameras();
  await scanner.setCurrentCamera(cameras[0]);


  • getResolution(): number[]

Get current camera resolution.

let rsl = await scanner.getResolution();
console.log(rsl.width + " x " + rsl.height);


  • setResolution(width: number | number[], height: number)

Set current camera resolution.

await scanner.setResolution(width, height);


Get current video settings.


Modify and update video settings.

await scanner.updateVideoSettings({ video: {width: {ideal: 1280}, height: {ideal: 720}, facingMode: {ideal: 'environment'}} });


Gets the camera capabilities.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported.

> scanner.getCapabilities()
< {
  "colorTemperature":{max: 7000, min: 2850, step: 50},
  "exposureCompensation": {max: 2.0000040531158447, min: -2.0000040531158447, step: 0.16666699945926666},
  "zoom":{max: 606, min: 100, step: 2}


  • turnOnTorch(): Promise<void>

Turns off the Torch.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported.

await scanner.turnOnTorch();

@see turnOffTorch getCapabilities


  • turnOffTorch(): Promise<void>

Turns off the torch.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported.

await scanner.turnOffTorch();

@see turnOnTorch getCapabilities


  • setColorTemperature(value: number): Promise<void>

Adjusts the color temperature.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported.

await scanner.setColorTemperature(5000);

@see getCapabilities


  • setExposureCompensation(value: number): Promise<void>

Adjusts the exposure level.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported.

await scanner.setExposureCompensation(-0.7);

@see getCapabilities


  • setZoom(value: number): Promise<void>

Adjusts the zoom ratio.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported.

await scanner.setZoom(400);

@see getCapabilities


  • setFrameRate(value: number): Promise<void>

Adjusts the frame rate.

This method should be called when the camera is turned on. Note that it only works with Chromium-based browsers such as Edge and Chrome on Windows or Android. Other browsers such as Firefox or Safari are not supported. Note that all browsers on iOS (including Chrome) use WebKit as the rendering engine and are not supported.

await scanner.setFrameRate(10);

@see getCapabilities

Decoding Settings


Gets current runtime settings.

let settings = await scanner.getRuntimeSettings();
settings.deblurLevel = 5;
await scanner.updateRuntimeSettings(settings);


Update runtime settings with a given struct, or a string of speed, balance, coverage and single to use preset settings for BarcodeScanner.

We recommend using the speed-optimized single preset if scanning only one barcode at a time. The single is only available in BarcodeScanner.

The default settings for BarcodeScanner is single.

await scanner.updateRuntimeSettings('balance');
let settings = await scanner.getRuntimeSettings();
settings.barcodeFormatIds = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_ONED;
await scanner.updateRuntimeSettings(settings);

@see RuntimeSettings


  • resetRuntimeSettings(): Promise<void>

Resets all parameters to default values.

await scanner.resetRuntimeSettings();


  • getModeArgument(modeName: string, index: number, argumentName: string): Promise<string>

Get argument value for the specified mode parameter.

let argumentValue = await scanner.getModeArgument("BinarizationModes", 0, "EnableFillBinaryVacancy");

@see C++ getModeArgument


  • setModeArgument(modeName: string, index: number, argumentName: string, argumentValue: string): Promise<string>

Set argument value for the specified mode parameter.

await scanner.setModeArgument("BinarizationModes", 0, "EnableFillBinaryVacancy", "1");

@see C++ setModeArgument



  • bSaveOriCanvas: boolean = false;

Whether to save the original image into canvas.

scanner.bSaveOriCanvas = true;
let results = await scanner.decode(source);


An canvas object that holds the original image.

scanner.bSaveOriCanvas = true;
let results = await scanner.decode(source);


  • bPlaySoundOnSuccessfulRead: (boolean | string) = false;

Whether to play sound when the scanner reads a barcode successfully. Default value is false, which does not play sound. Use frame or true to play a sound when any barcode is found within a frame. Use unduplicated to play a sound only when any unique/unduplicated barcode is found within a frame.

// A user gesture required.
startPlayButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
  scanner.bPlaySoundOnSuccessfulRead = true;

refer: favicon bug


The sound to play when the scanner get successfull read.

scanner.soundOnSuccessfullRead = new Audio("./pi.mp3");


  • bVibrateOnSuccessfulRead: (boolean | string) = false

Whether to vibrate when the scanner reads a barcode successfully. Default value is false, which does not vibrate. Use frame or true to vibrate when any barcode is found within a frame. Use unduplicated to vibrate only when any unique/unduplicated barcode is found within a frame.

// Can I use?
// A user gesture required.
startVibrateButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
  scanner.bVibrateOnSuccessfulRead = true;


  • vibrateDuration: number = 300

Get or set how long (ms) the vibration lasts.

@see bVibrateOnSuccessfulRead


Get current scan settings.

let scanSettings = await scanner.getScanSettings();
scanSettings.intervalTime = 50;
scanSettings.duplicateForgetTime = 1000;
await scanner.updateScanSettings(scanSettings);


Modify and update scan settings.

let scanSettings = await scanner.getScanSettings();
scanSettings.intervalTime = 50;
scanSettings.duplicateForgetTime = 1000;
await scanner.updateScanSettings(scanSettings);

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