Category: cpp camera
While Flutter supports six plaforms — Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS and web — the official Flutter camera plugin is limited to just three: Android, iOS, and web. The development pace for the official plugin has been sluggish, with no clear roadmap for desktop support. As a result, creating a...
In the previous article, we demonstrated how to build a Python camera SDK based on the litecam C++ SDK. In this article, we will integrate the C++ camera library into a Node.js addon, enabling developers to capture webcam frames and perform further image processing using server-side JavaScript. This article is...
Now that the lightweight C++ camera SDK is complete for Windows, Linux and macOS, we can integrate it into other high-level programming languages. In this article, we will explore how to build a Python camera SDK based on the C++ camera library and use it for multi-barcode scanning with the...
This is the final article in a series on building a lightweight C++ camera library across multiple platforms. We’ve already covered Windows and Linux, and now it’s time to dive into macOS. In this article, we’ll tap into AVFoundation to handle camera capture under the hood and leverage Cocoa for...
In the previous article, we developed a LiteCam library for camera access on Linux. To extend its functionality to Windows, we will leverage the Media Foundation API. This article explores how to use Media Foundation to access the camera on Windows, integrate it with the LiteCam library, and reuse the...
When searching for a camera SDK to develop desktop camera applications on Linux, OpenCV often comes to mind due to its simple APIs for camera access. However, the size of the OpenCV library is big, making it redundant for smaller projects, especially those that only require basic camera functionality. To...