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Advanced DWT Initialization

Prerequisite: DWT Initialization

As presented in the standard initialization guide, DWT instantiates a default WebTwain object in its default configuration. Here, we offer some alternative ways to instantiate WebTwain objects, as well as ways to alter the configuration of WebTwain objects.

Note: jsDelivr currently has problems delivering the Dynamsoft Service installer ( due to size restrictions; please consider hosting this particular resource file elsewhere. UKPKG is currently unaffected. For information about the Dynamsoft Service, learn more here.

Auto-Loading with CDN/Package Manager Resources

The resource files loaded from CDNs and package managers slightly differ from the resource files obtained from the official SDK. Namely, Dynamsoft.DWT.AutoLoad is true in official SDK resources (dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js), and false otherwise. This property affects whether or not DWT automatically instantiates WebTwain instances upon load resources (auto-load). Likewise, Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers provides configurations for WebTwain instances created during auto-load. This is found in the official SDK resources (dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js), and absent otherwise. To enable auto-loading when obtaining resources from CDNs or package manager, we must define these two properties, for example:

Loading from jsDelivr

        <!-- Load resources from jsDelivr CDN -->
        <script src=""></script>

        <div id="dwtcontrolContainer"></div> <!-- The WebTwain object binds to this div by default -->
            var DWTObject; // Use this to store the WebTwain object after retrieval

            Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath = ""; // Load supporting resources from here
            Dynamsoft.DWT.ProductKey = ""; // Add product key here

            // Configure the default WebTwain instance
            Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers = [{
                ContainerId: 'dwtcontrolContainer', // Binds WebTwain to container by ID
                Width: 270,
                Height: 320
            // Instantiate the WebTwain instance upon loading resources
            Dynamsoft.DWT.AutoLoad = true;

            // Retrieve WebTwain object after initializing DWT
            Dynamsoft.DWT.RegisterEvent("OnWebTwainReady", function () {
                DWTObject = Dynamsoft.DWT.GetWebTwain("dwtcontrolContainer"); // Retrieve instantiated WebTwain object

                // Include this block to verify WebTwain instantiation
                    if (DWTObject) {
                        alert("WebTwain object instantiated");

APIs used:


Setting values for Dynamsoft.DWT.AutoLoad and Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers results in identical startup behavior for resources obtained from CDNs and package managers to resources obtained from the official SDK.

Note: jsDelivr currently has problems delivering the Dynamsoft Service installer ( due to size restrictions; please consider hosting this particular resource file elsewhere. UKPKG is currently unaffected. For information about the Dynamsoft Service, learn more here.

Configuring Default WebTwain Instances

Since Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers controls the configuration for the WebTwain instance, we can use it to control the initial dimensions of the Viewer, and the container that the Viewer is bound to. Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers is an array of objects of the interface Dynamsoft.DWT.Container, which looks like this:

interface Container {
    WebTwainId?: string;
    ContainerId?: string;
    Width?: string | number;
    Height?: string | number;

Previously we omitted the WebTwainId property. This is simply another identifier which can substitute ContainerId, particularly in the case of headless WebTwain instances. A WebTwain instance must have at least one of these two properties defined.

To create multiple WebTwain instances with Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers, simply add elements to the array. Make sure to use different identifiers for the instances to prevent conflicts.

Instantiating WebTwain Without Auto-Load

Some use cases call for instantiating WebTwain objects on demand. To do this, we use the Dynamsoft.DWT.Load() API to create the WebTwain instance. This following example demonstrates this method with resources obtained from a CDN, but resources from other sources also work:

Sample Code

        <!-- Load resources from jsDelivr CDN -->
        <script src=""></script>

        <div id="dwtcontrolContainer"></div> <!-- WebTwain container -->
        <input type="button" value="Create a WebTwain object" onclick="instantiate();" />
            var DWTObject; // Use this to store the WebTwain object after retrieval

            Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath = ""; // Load supporting resources from here
            Dynamsoft.DWT.ProductKey = ""; // Add product key here

            // Configure the WebTwain instance created when calling Dynamsoft.DWT.Load()
            Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers = [{
                ContainerId: 'dwtcontrolContainer', // Binds WebTwain to container by ID
                Width: 270,
                Height: 320

            // Retrieve WebTwain object after Dynamsoft.DWT.Load() returns
            Dynamsoft.DWT.RegisterEvent("OnWebTwainReady", function () {
                DWTObject = Dynamsoft.DWT.GetWebTwain("dwtcontrolContainer"); // Retrieve instantiated WebTwain object

                // Include this block to verify WebTwain instantiation
                    if (DWTObject) {
                        alert("WebTwain object instantiated");

            function instantiate() {

APIs Used:


Note: When using resources from the official SDK, we must set Dynamsoft.DWT.AutoLoad = false in the dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js file.

This sample above instantiates a WebTwain object upon demand. In this case the button triggers instantiation, which calls Dynamsoft.DWT.Load(). Dynamsoft.DWT.Load() creates WebTwain instances based on the value of Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers. Dynamsoft.DWT.Load() also triggers the OnWebTwainReady event, which allows us to store the WebTwain object in the DWTObject variable.

Note: Dynamsoft.DWT.Load() also triggers OnWebTwainReady during auto-load; DWT just invokes Dynamsoft.DWT.Load() automatically.

Instantiating WebTwain Without OnWebTwainReady

The previous two methods relied on listening to the OnWebTwainReady event to grab the WebTwain instance, and using Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers for the configuration. For more flexibility, DWT offers the Dynamsoft.DWT.CreateDWTObject() API. The following sample works with resources obtained from any source:

Sample Code

        <!-- Load resources from jsDelivr CDN -->
        <script src=""></script>

        <div id="dwtcontrolContainer"></div> <!-- Bind WebTwain instance to this container -->
        <input type="button" value="Create a WebTwain object" onclick="instantiate();" />
            var DWTObject; // Use this to store the WebTwain object after retrieval

            Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath = ""; // Load supporting resources from here
            Dynamsoft.DWT.ProductKey = ""; // Add product key here

            // Create WebTwain instance
            function instantiate() {
                    , function (object) {
                        DWTObject = object;
                    }, function (exp) {

APIs Used:


Note: When using resources from the official SDK, we must set Dynamsoft.DWT.AutoLoad = false and Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers = [] in the dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js file to disable auto-loading.

This method creates a WebTwain instance, and makes it available through the success callback function, rather than registering a callback handler to the OnWebTwainReady event. Dynamsoft.DWT.CreateDWTObject() also binds the WebTwain instance to a container via a container id. This method does not provide a way to configure the size of the Viewer, so the Viewer size must be set after instantiation (e.g. with the Viewer width and height properties).

Dynamsoft.DWT.CreateDWTObject() can also set network configurations with an overloaded method like so:

    ContainerId: string, 
    host: string, 
    port: string | number, 
    portSSL: string | number, 
    successCallBack: (DWTObject: WebTwain) => void,
    failureCallBack: ({code: number, message: string}) => void
): void;

Creating Headless WebTwain Instances

The other instantiation methods all create a Viewer component in the WebTwain instance. To forgo a Viewer, or to create one separately after the fact, DWT provides the Dynamsoft.DWT.CreateDWTObjectEx(). This sample demonstrates creating a WebTwain instance on demand. This works with resource files obtained from any source.

Sample Code

        <!-- Load resources from jsDelivr CDN -->
        <script src=""></script>

        <input type="button" value="Scan an image" onclick="acquireImage();" />
        <input type="button" value="Create a WebTwain object" onclick="instantiate();" />
            var DWTObject; // Use this to store the WebTwain object after retrieval

            Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath = ""; // Load supporting resources from here
            Dynamsoft.DWT.ProductKey = ""; // Add product key here

            // Create WebTwain instance without a Viewer
            function instantiate() {
                    WebTwainId: 'dwtObj' // Alternative identifier to containerID when no Viewer/container
                    }, function (object) {
                        DWTObject = object;
                    }, function (exp) {

            // Scan image to WebTwain instance
            function acquireImage() {
                if (DWTObject) {
                    .then(function () {
                        return DWTObject.AcquireImageAsync({
                            IfCloseSourceAfterAcquire: true,
                    .then(function () {
                    console.log(DWTObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer); // Indicate that image was scanned
                    .catch(function (exp) {

APIs Used:


Note: When using resources from the official SDK, we must set Dynamsoft.DWT.AutoLoad = false and Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers = [] in the dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js file to disable auto-loading.

Dynamsoft.DWT.CreateDWTObjectEx() creates a WebTwain instance provided by the DWTInitialConfig interface (this can also configure host, port, ssl). In this example, the object simply defines an identifier. Since this WebTwain instance is headless, it cannot be identifier by its container’s id, so we use the WebTwainId property instead.

Customizing the instances

The instances are defined in dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js:

Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers = [{
    ContainerId: 'dwtcontrolContainer',
    Width: '585px',
    Height: '513px'

Containers is an array of the Container type.

interface Container {
    WebTwainId?: string;
    ContainerId?: string;
    Width?: string | number;
    Height?: string | number;


  • WebTwainId and ContainerId are both optional but one must exist as the identifier for that WebTwain instance.
  • Width and Height determine the initial viewer size of the instance.
  • When instantiating with Dynamsoft.DWT.Load , ContainerId , Width and Height are required. Dynamic Web TWAIN will try to locate an HTML element with the ID defined by ContainerId and use Width and Height as the viewer size.

To create multiple instances, simply provide multiple Containers. For example, the following code creates two WebTwain instances:

Dynamsoft.DWT.Containers = [{
    ContainerId: 'dwtcontrolContainer1',
    Width: '585px',
    Height: '513px'
}, {
    ContainerId: 'dwtcontrolContainer2',
    Width: '585px',
    Height: '513px'

Note on Namespaces

DWT operates under the Dynamsoft namespace, and most of its features may be found in Dynamsoft.DWT. Here is the break-down:

  • Dynamsoft.DWT

    This contains global methods and properties such as DWT initialization and WebTwain instantiation. This also contains enumerations, e.g. Dynamsoft.DWT.EnumDWT_PixelType.

  • Dynamsoft.Lib

    This contains information such as environment detection results (Dynamsoft.Lib.env), and global methods such as showMask() and hideMask().

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