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Initializing DWT

Prerequisite: Loading Library Resources

This article explores how to initialize the DWT SDK (DWT) for use in a web application. The main goal is to instantiate the WebTwain object, which is the entrypoint to most DWT functionalities, such as image scanning, image viewing, file uploading, and more. To load resources using other methods (via CDN or package manager), read our resource loading guide, and read about initialization with these resources in our advanced initialization guide.

Sample Code

The following is a minimal amount of sample code needed to create a web application that initializes DWT loading resource files found in our official SDK.

        <!-- Initialize DWT by loading resource files, and instantiate WebTwain object behind-the-scenes. -->
        <script src="Resources/dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js"></script>
        <script src="Resources/dynamsoft.webtwain.initiate.js"></script>

        <div id="dwtcontrolContainer"></div> <!-- The WebTwain object binds to this div by default -->
            var DWTObject; // Use this to store the WebTwain object after retrieval

            // Retrieve WebTwain object after initializing DWT
            Dynamsoft.DWT.RegisterEvent("OnWebTwainReady", function () {
                DWTObject = Dynamsoft.DWT.GetWebTwain("dwtcontrolContainer"); // Retrieve instantiated WebTwain object

                // Include this block to verify WebTwain instantiation
                    if (DWTObject) {
                        alert("WebTwain object instantiated");

APIs used:

DWT resides in the Dynamsoft namespace. Specifically, most DWT features reside within Dynamsoft.DWT.

Running the Sample Code

For demonstration purposes, save the sample in an HTML file (e.g. helloWorld.html) in a new directory. Then, open the HTML file in a browser, and the DWT UI should display a loading animation. To verify that the WebTwain object has been instantiated, you can uncomment the verification code block.

Otherwise, click here to learn how to deploy DWT on your web server.

If your environment does not have Dynamsoft Service installed, a prompt will appear to ask you to install the service. You can learn more about what the service does here.

Below is more detail on what happens during initialization and how to retrieve the WebTwain object.


Initializing DWT means making its features available for use, e.g. so the web application can scan, view, and upload images. This process begins with loading the resource files. By default, initialization also performs a few other tasks as outlined below.

The WebTwain and Viewer Objects

During DWT initialization under default configurations, DWT instantiates a WebTwain object, as well as a Viewer object as a member of that WebTwain object. The WebTwain object contains most DWT APIs. Furthermore, the Viewer within the WebTwain object represents the viewer UI, so the Viewer is used to control UI features such as displaying scan previews, editing scanned images, etc. The Viewer is bound to the following html element:

<div id="dwtcontrolContainer"></div>

Make sure that this div exists in the DOM. The WebTwain instance also uses the id as an identifier. We use this identifier to get the WebTwain instance with GetWebTwain().

Retrieving the WebTwain Object

It is important to access the WebTwain object only after it has been instantiated. We can do this by registering the OnWebTwainReady event, then invoking GetWebTwain() in the callback function. This ensures that we do not try to access the WebTwain object before it is instantiated. Once we can access the WebTwain object, we can proceed to use powerful features within DWT.

Further Reading

For advanced DWT initialization methods, including changing default configurations, or instantiating a WebTwain instance without a Viewer, take a look at the advanced initialization guide.

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