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How can I change the reference path to the Dynamsoft’s resources in my project?

This also applies if you see the following errors in browser console, please make sure that the ResourcesPath is set correctly in dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js (Step 3 Below).

{“code”: -2803, “message”: “Loading the WebTwain JavaScipt source files failed.”}
{“code”: -2804, “message”: “Loading the WebTwain css files failed.”}

Scenario: For customers who are using Dynamic Web TWAIN, to change the location of the ‘Resources’ folder, or to rename it, please following the steps below:

Steps: In the below example we will assume the original Resources folder is located at ‘../{Project Directory}/Resources’, and you want to change it to ‘../{Project Directory}/Newfolder/ResourcesTest’.

Step 1. Please make sure the structure inside ‘Resources’ folder stay unchanged.

Step 2. Change the relative path in your page where you reference the js files, for example:

<script src="Resources/dynamsoft.webtwain.initiate.js"></script>
<!-- or your own operation js file --> 
<script src="Scripts/DWTSample_BasicScan.js"></script>
<script src="Resources/dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js"></script>

Modify as below:

<script src="Newfolder/ResourcesTest/dynamsoft.webtwain.initiate.js"></script>
<!-- or your own operation js file --> 
<script src="Scripts/DWTSample_BasicScan.js"></script>
<script src="Newfolder/ResourcesTest/dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js"></script>

Step 3. The same change needs to be done in dynamsoft.webtwain.config.js file. Add/uncomment the following line, then change ‘Resources’ (to ‘New folder/ResourcesTest’ as in this case):

Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath = "Resources";

Modify as below:

Dynamsoft.DWT.ResourcesPath = "Newfolder/ResourcesTest";

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