Tag: web twain
Nuxt is a free and open-source framework with an intuitive and extendable way to create type-safe, performant and production-grade full-stack web applications and websites with Vue.js. In this article, we are going to build a document scanner using Nuxt.js and Dynamic Web TWAIN. It can scan documents via scanners using...
In an increasingly digital world, the ability to efficiently digitize documents is paramount for businesses and organizations aiming to streamline operations, enhance data accessibility, and improve overall productivity. To achieve comprehensive document digitization capabilities, it’s essential to support a variety of scanner protocols, including TWAIN, WIA, SANE, ICA, and eSCL....
In today’s digital age, efficient document management is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. Integrating document scanning capabilities directly into web applications can significantly streamline workflows, allowing users to digitize and manage documents with ease. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to leverage the power of the Dynamic Web TWAIN...
Barcodes are commonly used to identify retail products. We can also use them to mark documents. For example, we may need to scan a batch of forms. Each form contains several pages and there is a barcode on the first page denoting a unique form number. We can use the...
When scanning documents via scanners, we may get misoriented document images. The use of automatic document feeding makes it happen more often. We can use image processing to detect the orientation. There are many ways to do this. For example, in Latin script text, ascenders are more likely to occur...
In this article, we are going to create a lightning web component to access document scanners in Salesforce, the famous CRM system. Adding extra features to your Salesforce system can provide an integrated user experience. The document scanner feature will be provided by the Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK. It provides...
Bulk document scanning, also mass document scanning or batch document scanning, is a process of converting a large number of physical documents into digital files. There are many applications of bulk document scanning and here are some of them: Schools. In schools, pieces of examination paper have to be scanned...
Starting from version 18.0, the Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK has expanded its support for the eSCL protocol. This enhancement enables the SDK to support not only USB-connected scanners but also network scanners. Furthermore, Dynamsoft has released an Android app for eSCL communication, benefiting both Android and Chromebook users. This breakthrough...
Shadow DOM is a web standard designed to encapsulate HTML and CSS into web components. It allows for the creation of separate DOM trees and specifies how these trees interact with each other in a document. Polymer is a library developed by Google to make it easier to create reusable...
Laravel is a PHP Framework. This article shares how to use Dynamic Web TWAIN to scan and upload documents in a Laravel project, enhancing web document management capabilities. This article is Part 5 in a 5-Part Series. Part 1 - Building Web Document Scanning Applications with ASP.NET Core MVC Part...
Django is a popular Python framework for web development. In this tutorial, we will create a web application using Django and Dynamic Web TWAIN. This article is Part 4 in a 5-Part Series. Part 1 - Building Web Document Scanning Applications with ASP.NET Core MVC Part 2 - How to...
The Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK is renowned for its capabilities in document scanning, uploading, editing, and saving. In this article, we will explore the image tagging and grouping feature for document management applications. For instance, you can tag images with a date, project name, or customer name, enabling you to...
In the previous article, we demonstrated the implementation of a web application for scanning and uploading documents using Dynamic Web TWAIN and Node.js. In this article, we will guide you through achieving the same functionality using Go. The process closely mirrors the Node.js implementation, allowing you to reuse client-side resources...
In the digital era, managing documents efficiently is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. With the rise of web technologies, scanning and uploading documents through web applications has become a sought-after feature. This article introduces a practical way to implement document scanning and uploading in a web application using Dynamic...
Whether we scan documents via document scanners or cameras, we may end up getting document images with bad quality. In this article, we are going to talk about how to evaluate the quality of scanned document images so that we can recapture the document to get a better image. A...
A black-and-white binary image consists of pixels that can have one of exactly two colors: black and white. Converting an image to black and white has some usages: File size reduction: a 1-bit binary image requires less data for storage than a 24-bit color image. Image processing: many image processing...
Grayscale images are composed exclusively of shades of gray. They are commonly stored with 8 bits per sampled pixel, which allows 256 different intensities to be recorded. Converting an image to grayscale has some usages: File size reduction: an 8-bit grayscale image often requires less data for storage than a...
Sometimes, we may need to flip a media element in a web app. For example, we may need to flip a video element streaming from a camera to match what we actually see or correct scanned document images that are flipped. In this article, we are going to talk about...
In a document-scanning web app, image resizing is useful as it can correct the proportion of scanned documents and increase the DPI of document images to meet printing requirements. In this article, we are going to talk about how to resize an image with JavaScript. One way is using Canvas...
Sometimes, we may need to rotate an image on a web page, like showing a loading animation. In a document-scanning web app, we need to rotate skewed document images or document images scanned in the wrong direction. In this article, we are going to talk about three ways to rotate...
Converting PDFs to images is a common task in our daily work. We can use the images for archiving and further editing like OCR. With Dynamic Web TWAIN, a JavaScript document scanning library which has built-in support for various file formats, we can convert PDF to images in HTML5. In...
In the previous article, we built a JavaFX demo app to scan documents using Dynamsoft Service’s REST API. The demo app can scan documents via protocols like TWAIN, WIA, SANE, and ICA and save the documents into a PDF file using PDFBox. In this article, we are going to extend...
Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components. At Lit’s core is a boilerplate-killing component base class that provides reactive state, scoped styles, and a declarative template system that’s tiny, fast and expressive. In this article, we are going to build a web component with LitElement to...
Scanning documents into a digital form can help companies save physical space, improve data retrieval, reduce costs, improve collaboration, etc. Sometimes, we may come across very large scanned document files or files scanned with a low visual quality. In this article, we are going to talk about aspects related to...
Scanned documents often contain skewed or crooked images. They do not look good and are not friendly for OCR. In this article, we are going to use OpenCV and Python to deskew scanned documents based on text lines. Steps to Deskew a Scanned Document Image with OpenCV We are going...
Jetpack Compose is Android’s recommended modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android. In this article, we are going to build a document scanner in Jetpack Compose. It can acquire images from document scanners or cameras and run document detection and correction. Here are...
Dynamic Web TWAIN is an SDK which enables document scanning from browsers. Under its hood, a backend service named Dynamsoft Service is running to communicate with scanners via protocols like TWAIN, WIA, eSCL, SANE and ICA. The service runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. Starting from Dynamic Web TWAIN v18.4,...
Dynamic Web TWAIN is an SDK to enable scanning documents from browsers and Dynamsoft Document Normalizer is an SDK to detect document borders and perform perspective transformation. The two can be used together so that we can automatically crop and straighten documents. A use case is to use a flatbed...
In a world that is increasingly digital, the ability to transform physical paper documents into electronic files by scanning them from a multi-function printer (MFP) has become a fundamental requirement for businesses of all sizes. Scanning paper documents helps create a more organized and efficient workspace. E-documents foster better collaboration...
Dynamic Web TWAIN is a document-scanning SDK which makes it possible to access document scanners in the browser. It comes with the support of various image formats. We can use it to create an on-premises online image converter. You can press the button above to have a try. It has...
Tag Image File Format, abbreviated TIFF or TIF, is an image file format for storing raster graphics images. It has several differences from most other image file formats: TIFF allows a flexible set of information fields called tags. TIFF allows a flexible combination of colorspace, bitdepth/datatype, and compression scheme. TIFF...
WebDAV stands for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning. It is an HTTP extension that makes it easy to create, read, and edit files hosted on remote Web servers. Many HTTP servers or file sync and share applications support this protocol like Apache, Lighttpd, Seafile and Nextcloud. In this article, we...
Full-text search is a process of examining all of the words in every stored document to find documents meeting a certain criteria (e.g. text specified by a user). It is possible for the full-text-search engine to directly scan the contents of the documents if the number of documents is small....
IndexedDB is a low-level API for client-side storage of significant amounts of structured data, including files/blobs. It can be used to save images like scanned documents on the client for persistant storage. In this article, we are going to talk about how to use Dynamic Web TWAIN to scan documents...
Large language models (LLMs) are emerging which can help us in tasks like text summarization, translation, question answering, etc and OpenAI’s ChatGPT is one of the state-of-art models which is available via its web or API interfaces. ChatGPT can be useful for document management. One use case of it is...
Paper documents are still ubiquitous in our everyday work, like invoices, checks and printed books. It takes effort to manage them. With Dynamic Web TWAIN, we can build a web application to scan documents from document scanners. But further steps are required to better manage the documents and OCR is...
AirPrint MFPs (Multifunction Printers) are printers that are compatible with Apple’s AirPrint technology. The eSCL (eXtensible Scanner Control Language) protocol, a driverless scanning protocol, is a part of the AirPrint technology. It facilitates wireless scanning functionality on AirPrint MFPs. Users can discover AirPrint MFPs on the same network and initiate...
Dynamic Web TWAIN is an SDK which enables document scanning and viewing from browsers. It can display PDF files in a customizable viewer. In this article, we are going to build a web component with Stencil.js to wrap Dynamic Web TWAIN as a PDF viewer so that we can embed...
Patch Code is a barcode developed by Kodak for use in automated scanning. It is mainly used to classify or organize documents. Several documents may need to be scanned and we have to save them into different PDF files. Instead of running several separate jobs (loading the scanner with each...
Next.js is the recommended framework to create React applications with extra features like server-side rendering and an intuitive router. In this article, we are going to create a document scanning app with Next.js and Dynamic Web TWAIN. Build a Document Scanning Web App with Next.js Let’s do this in steps....
Document capture functionality is an essential aspect of any document management system, allowing users to capture digital images of physical documents through a variety of means, including scanners and mobile cameras. Dynamic Web TWAIN helps users easily integrate document capture functionality into their web-based document management system, enabling them to...
Oracle APEX (also known as APEX or Oracle Application Express) is an enterprise low-code development platform from Oracle Corporation that is used to develop and deploy web applications on Oracle databases. APEX provides a web-based integrated development environment (IDE) that uses wizards, drag-and-drop layout, and property editors to build applications...
Previously, I created a flutter_web_twain to assist developers in building web-based document scanning applications with Flutter and Dynamic Web TWAIN. In this article, I will demonstrate how to integrate Dynamic Web TWAIN into a Flutter Windows desktop application using Flutter Windows webview plugin. Section 1: Setting Up the Flutter Project...
FileMaker is a cross-platform relational database application. It integrates a database engine with a graphical user interface (GUI) and security features, allowing users to modify a database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms.1 It has become a low-code tool to build apps for businesses. There are some...
Chrome extensions are software programs, built on web technologies (such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) that enable users to customize the Chrome browsing experience.1 In this article, we are going to write a Chrome extension to add the document scanning function to web pages. Dynamic Web TWAIN is used to...
Quasar is a Vue.js-based framework, which allows web developers to quickly create responsive websites/apps. It can use Electron to build multi-platform desktop apps. In this article, we are going to build a document scanning desktop app with Quasar and Electron. Dynamic Web TWAIN is used to provide the ability to...
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format developed by Adobe to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems.1 The basic types of content in a PDF are: Typeset text stored as content streams; Vector graphics for illustrations and designs that consist of shapes...
Dynamic Web TWAIN is well-known for document scanner programming. It provides a set of JavaScript API to simplify the way of integrating document scan functions into web applications. Most of the time, we use Dynamic Web TWAIN with its built-in UI. However, the default UI may not be suitable for...
There are many web developers who prefer using Angular and Dynamic Web TWAIN to build web document scanning and management applications. The official Dynamic Web TWAIN samples are written in JavaScript. Although TypeScript is compatible with JavaScript, it is not just a copy-and-paste job to use these JavaScript code in...
A progressive web application (PWA) is a type of application software delivered through the web1. It is able to be installed like a local app so that we can access it later without an Internet connection. In this article, we are going to build a document scanning desktop app with...
Tag Image File Format, abbreviated TIFF or TIF, is an image file format for storing raster graphics images. It is a complex format, defining many tags in each file. TIFF was created as an attempt to get desktop scanner vendors of the mid-1980s to agree on a common scanned image...
Tauri is a framework for building desktop apps for all major platforms. Developers can integrate any front-end framework that compiles to HTML, JS and CSS for building their user interface. The backend of the application is a Rust-sourced binary with an API that the front-end can interact with. Different from...
Dynamic Web TWAIN is an SDK which makes it possible to scan documents in browsers. Selenium is a suite of tools for automating web browsers, like Firefox, Edge and Chrome. Primarily, it is for testing purposes, but it can also serve for other tasks. In this article, we are going...
Since .NET 6 Preview 3, it is possible to host Blazor web applications in a WinForms/WPF app using the BlazorWebView control. Behind BlazorWebView is WebView2, which uses Microsoft Edge as the rendering engine to display the web content in native apps. Developers can now adopt a hybrid app approach, utilizing...
Nowadays, web technologies have been used to create cross-platform apps. There are Capacitor for mobile development and Electron for desktop development. We can also use web technologies in existing apps. For example, the popular Java IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, uses JCEF (Java Chromium Embedded Framework) to create plugins. In this article,...
The Clipboard API allows web applications to read and write the clipboard’s contents, which makes it convenient to paste scanned documents to other applications like Word, email clients and load images from the clipboard in a Dynamic Web TWAIN (DWT) application. Here is a demo video of copying scanned documents...
Dynamic Web TWAIN (DWT)’s Remote Scan feature makes it possible to scan documents from your scanner or multi-function printer (MFP) directly to any device. You may wonder what other network scanning options exist. This article is going to give a brief overview of scanning over the network and why DWT’s...
Email is a convenient way to send scanned documents. The ability to send emails is built into many network scanners. For example, HP All-in-One devices have a Scan-to-Email app. However, we cannot use these devices’ built-in email-sending ability if we want to control the scanning process in a web scanning...
Continuous file synchronization programs synchronize files between two or more devices in real time. We can use them to sync scanned documents so that we can access the files on multiple devices. There are many cloud storage services which do the job, like Box, Dropbox, Onedrive and Google Drive. There...
Since from version 17.1, Chromes OS comes into the supporting list of Dynamic Web TWAIN. The supported desktop operating systems of Dynamic Web TWAIN now include Windows, Linux, macOS, Raspberry Pi OS and Chrome OS. This article helps Chromebook users to install Dynamic Web TWAIN service in Chrome OS. Building...
Since version 16.1, Dynamic Web TWAIN (DWT) has added a remote scan feature. If there is a device running a background scanning service (Dynamsoft Service), other devices can access it via an Intranet along with a proxy service to use scanners connected to that device, which makes it convenient to...
Cameras are now ubiquitous in our life. Every mobile phone has built-in cameras which can shoot nice photos. As for document scanning, there is document camera (also called overhead scanner) which is adjustable and has high resolution. Image source: https://www.amazon.com/Conferencing-Recording-Classroom-Real-time-Definition/dp/B08V4WLPX1/ A document camera has the following benefits: Users don’t have...
Blazor is a framework for building interactive client-side web UI with .NET1. Users can create interactive UIs in C# instead of JavaScript. Server-side and client-side app logic can both be written in .NET. In the previous article, we’ve created a barcode reader with Blazor using Dynamsoft Barcode Reader. In this...
Have you ever thought about how to create a Web document scanning application using Ruby on Rails? In this tutorial, we go through how to create a Rails project with Dynamic Web TWAIN (DWT) SDK for loading, scanning and uploading document files. Installation Dynamic Web TWAIN 17.0 Ruby 2.5.1 sudo...
Dynamic Web TWAIN has added some exciting features related to the mobile platform since its version 16. Document capturing via mobile cameras, 16.0 PDF Rasterizer mobile edition, 16.0 LoadImageEx supports mobile platform, 16.1 Acquiring images from a remote scanner, 16.1 The scanDocument API which makes it easy to call a...
With the release of Apple M1, Mac has started their journey transitioning from x86_64 to arm64. Dynamsoft has not released any package for the new architecture Mac yet. However, it does not mean we can’t run our existing software on the new platform. Rosetta2 could translate the Intel Mac software...
Wrapping an HTML element as a component is a new fashion of front-end development. In this article, we will take a tour of building a component-based document scanning app using Vue.js and Dynamic Web TWAIN. To make our application look modern, we hire Vuetify, one of the most popular libraries, to...
Mono is an open source implementation of Microsoft’s .NET Framework. It aims to help C# developers create cross-platform .NET applications. Although .NET Core is born for multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, and macOS), it is so far not a substitution of .NET framework. If you have an existing project written in .NET framework and want to...
RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader that implements Asynchronous Module Definition(AMD) API for in-browser use. Similar to require() used in Node.js, we can use requirejs() to load any JavaScript module for web apps. In this post, I will share how to use Dynamic Web TWAIN with RequireJS. If...
ZK is a Java Web framework that similar to GWT. Some developers have no idea how they can integrate DWT (Dynamic Web TWAIN) into a ZK Web project. I have successfully made it. The process is not too hard, but a little bit tricky. First ZK Web Project with Eclipse...
Dynamic Web TWAIN (DWT) is a Web-based TWAIN scanning solution, which could be deployed to Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Users could visit DWT apps via any HTML5-comptible Web browsers on Windows or Mac. To facilitate the process of Web project deployment, we can use Docker. In this post,...
Some Java developers asked a question about how to use Dynamic Web TWAIN (DWT) to upload image files when building a Web application with Struts. In this tutorial, I’d like to make a detailed explanation. How to Upload Files with Struts Using NetBeans IDE, we can quickly create a Struts...
Control web cameras or the built-in laptop webcams inside IE, Firefox and Chrome with JavaScript In some scenarios, such as Visitor Monitoring module for a government department or Patient Tracking module for a hospital, we may need to take a snap of human faces, patient charts, user IDs and so...